Hatsue Kimura

In spring of 2006, Hatsue began working for KRI International which has a contract from JICA to implement a literacy program in Afghanistan. Starting in April, Hatsue was in Kabul for several months and thereafter will spend about half her time in Kabul and half in Japan. Her assignment is to develop a database to monitor the progress of the literacy program. She will be working to develop the local capacity to collect and manage data generated by the various literacy classes. She is also hoping to draw upon CIE's experience with the recently completed Learning for Life project that trained over 8,000 women in basic literacy and health. [5-06]


Subsequently, Hatsue worked with JICA in a number of countries in Africa including Malawi, Rwanda, where she met up with Fulgence Swai, and Kenya. [12-20]


Email: hatsueja@yahoo.co.jp



Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate