Hassan Ali Mohamed

Dr. Hassan Ali Mohamed is a development practitioner specialized in education program planning and management in both humanitarian and development settings with over 25 years of field experience in North America, South Asia, Middle East and Africa. Hassan holds a Doctorate and Master’s degrees from the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


In his work he sometimes meets up with other CIE graduates. 


Several years ago I ran into Toon and Rob Fuderich in Istanbul, Turkey (pictured right). We were attending a UNICEF consultation meeting on strengthening global partnerships for education to leverage resources for better results for children. It was one of those precious occasions of catching up and reconnecting with CIE community and appreciating the contributions of CIE to the improvement of lives of children and poor people through the humanitarian and development work of its graduates.


Hassan has extensive experience as an Education in Crisis Specialist in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sudan, as the leader of large education programs in SWAp setting in Bangladesh and Zambia, as a member of INEE’s Working Group on Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies (WGMSEE), and the consultation group for the Cluster Coordinator handbook.


Hassan is a committed and creative educationalist who is passionate about educating children. He brings several decades of hands-on experience in managing and leading education programs from classroom teaching to formulating national sector strategic plans in complex emergencies in recovery and development settings such as Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Zambia, Sudan, Yemen, Rwanda, USA and even South Sudan when he was with CARE USA. 


In Afghanistan with CARE during the Taliban rule, Hassan led a community organized primary education (COPE) programme from zero baseline to over 50,000 children that gained access in community and village based schools by 2001. This model was adapted and later scaled up nationally during the post-Taliban and post-September 11 reconstruction.


In Bangladesh with UNICEF, Hassan led the establishment of the Education in Emergencies Cluster coordination mechanism which was non-existent at the time and helped restore access to significant numbers of children affected natural disasters. He provided technical leadership and guidance to reforms that include the national teacher education system; introduction of child-friendly school improvement planning, ECD and pre-primary classes in every school, along with school health and life skills education. This was done through active leadership and advocacy in partnership with the Government of Bangladesh and partners of the Education SWAp, including donors.


In Zambia, Hassan led initiatives that included the design and construction of floating schools as mitigation measures for annual floods and climatic changes; the introduction of child-friendly quality improvement school standards, School Improvement Planning, ECD, development of the National Education Sector Plans, and coordination of GPE partnerships.


In Sudan, Hassan plays a sector leadership role in providing access to schooling for over 3 million out-of-school children affected by emergencies or lack of access. He works to strengthen the sector coordination mechanism at state levels, development of preparedness and response plans and pre-positioning of education supplies at state levels. In regard to systems building and upstream sector reforms, Hassan leads the Education Sector coordination mechanism. In that role his key achievements include: adoption of a sector-wide approach in the current interim Education Sector Strategic Plan (2015-2016) and the next ESSP for 2017-2021 currently under development; introduction of annual joint sector reviews; the use of PAF approach in sector reports; development of national EMIS; and development of 5-year state level ESSPs in addition to the national ESSP.


He is also involved in the adoption and roll out of CFS standards using school-based planning and monitoring plans with over 400 schools; quality and equity improvement reforms including development equity-based strategies for girls and nomads; teacher education reform, and the use of alternative learning programs for out-of-school children.


Hassan's most recent position is Director, Monitoring and Evaluation with the Education Above All foundation in Doha, Qatar. [1-19]


Email: hmohamed@eaa.org.qa


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate