Habibullah Wajdi

Habibullah Wajdi, originally from Afghanistan, is an educational development professional with over 19 years of experience in various areas of education development. During his career he has worked nationally and internationally with governments; well reputed national and international organizations; civil society, and donors on various educational projects and programs.



Wajdi joined the Center for International Education (CIE) as a doctoral student in September 2007. Prior to coming to CIE, he worked as an Education Specialist with the World Bank in Kabul Afghanistan. He also worked as Technical Education Project Officer for UNICEF where he managed the implementation of educational programs in five southern provinces of Afghanistan. After completing his comprehensive exam, in August 2010, he returned to Afghanistan to manage the World Bank’s Strengthening Higher Education Program (SHEP). 



In September 2011, he became senior advisor to the Minister of Education on literacy programs (pictured right with Minister of Education), and Program Coordinator for ELA (Enhancement of Literacy Afghanistan) program. Meanwhile he continued his dissertation work on the organizational settings of the Literacy Department of the Ministry of Education. In May 2012, Wajdi successfully defended his dissertation on "The Process of Organizational Capacity Development in Action in Post-conflict Setting of the Literacy Department of Afghanistan.” He officially graduated in February of 2013. After his graduation, Wajdi worked as Education Program Specialist with UNESCO in Kabul Afghanistan until January 2014.



In February 2014 Wajdi joined USAID funded and UMASS/CIE managed USWDP program as Senior Manager for Graduate Education where he was responsible for developing graduate programs at various universities in Afghanistan (pictured left - handover of Master's degree at Balkh University). In 2015 he became Deputy Chief of Party for USWDP. He provided technical leadership and supervision in the implementation of new market-oriented degree programs, curriculum development, research development, career centers, quality assurance and accreditation system, and institutional capacity development activities. Wajdi worked closely with the MoHE officials (pictured right with Minister of Higher Education) and University Chancellors that helped in the sustainability of USWDP activities. He remained with the USWDP project until its successful completion and technical close-out in March 2019.[7-19]



Email: wajdi_habibullah@yahoo.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate