Fulgence Swai

Another update from Swai at the end of 2021:


I am now a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Human Development and also an Associate Dean of the School of Education and Human Development at the Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College, which is a constituent college of Tumaini University Makumira.


On a personal note he says: My wife Imelda and I (rght) have just celebrated our 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary on December 22, 2021. Our three Grand Daughters, (left to right) Tamara, Tamica and Thereza read a poem that made us feel great. [12-21]




At the beginning of 2020 Fulgence sent the following update:


I am happy to share the news that I have recently been awarded the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy by meeting the criteria of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and Learning.


In other news, I completed my teaching contract at Aga Khan University at the end of 2019 and am now teaching at the Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College. [1-20]


In 2016 I was appointed as an assistant professor at the Aga Khan University in Dar es Salaam where I am now teaching M Ed students who are specializing in Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation. It is an intensive program and right now the students are doing their practicum for which I am fully involved. I addition to teaching, I also participate in outreach activities within the East African region of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania where there are programs organized by the Institute for Educational Development, East Africa under the auspices of the Aga Khan University. This means that I will be traveling to both Kenya and Uganda periodically. I am also involved in supervision of some students writing their dissertations. [8-16]


Since I Retired from Public Service with effect from January 1, 2007, I have pursued a career as a consultant, educator, facilitator and qualitative researcher. Among other roles I was the National Consultant for the TACAIDS Rapid Assessment in the Tanzania Mainland from, the Consultant Team Leader for the costing of the framework for the Tanzania Aids Commission, UNICEF Consultant for the designing and supporting the Teacher Development and Management Framework for the Teachers Service Commission in the Ministry of Education in Rwanda. Prior to retiring, I was the Coordinator for the formation of the Tanzania Teachers Union and I was also among the founders of the Tanzania Education Network (TEN/MET).


I often meet CIE graduates, both Tanzanians who are working in education and visiting CIE members.  Recent visiting CIE members have included: Hatsue Kimura (in Rwanda) and Satomi Kamei, Hilda Kokuhirwa, Gabriela Delgadillo in Dar es Salaam.  I also often see fellow Tanzanian graduates like Anna Swai, Mjege Kinyota, and Assela Luena.


Email: swaisr@yahoo.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate