Frtiz Kadyoma

When I returned home, I worked at Malawi Institute of Education (MIE) for 10 years as a Chief Curriculum Specialist and Director of Curriculum Development. The leadership, policy and planning skills and knowledge that I acquired from UMass have to date made all the difference in my new roles.


In 2014, I joined the NGO sector as the Technical Programme Manager for World Vision International, and then moved on to become Country Director for Link Community Development International between 2015 through 2019. During my time, Link grew exponentially in terms of income, staffing levels and technical capacity. We supported the Ministry of Education in developing the National Education Standards with funding from the Scottish Government. We also implemented the National Reading Programme funded by USAID and UKAid.


In September 2020 I returned to MIE as the Executive Director. So currently I am running MIE and implementing a number of reforms especially to ensure its financial sustainability and independence from Government funding. I consider networking, collaboration and linkages with other institutions as key towards improving the viability of MIE amidst consistent budget cuts by Government.


I have two daughters aged 28 and 24, and a son aged 11. Obviously, he wasn't there when I was studying at UMass. He came as a surprise gift in 2009. He is the only one living with us and advising us in the house. The first born daughter graduated and is working in the Civil Service in Lilongwe as a Community Development Specialist. The second born has taken after daddy and is doing her teaching practice in Blantyre. She plans to work as a Special Needs Teacher in the secondary school or higher education.


I am in regular touch with other alumni of UMass including Dr Abraham Sineta, Dr Martha Sineta, Dr Maxwell Nkhokwe, Dr Bob Chulu, Dr Samson MacJessie who until recently was Director of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education, Lindiwe Chide and others. [11-20]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate