For the past 10 years Fatimah has been an Assistant Professor at the Centre of Excellence in Gender Studies (CEGS) at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad where she has taught for over ten years and supervised numerous research studies.
Prior to joining the university Fatimah worked for two years as a Women’s Rights and Policy Advisor with the Emergency and Reconstruction Project with ActionAid Pakistan. In that role she was responsible for promoting and integrating women’s issues and highlighting the rights of people in earthquake affected areas.
Earlier she served as the Gender Focal point with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Pakistan. Her responsibilities included providing conceptual, technical and practical input with regard to gender in all of IUCN’s work. She was also responsible for the institutionalization, integration and mainstreaming of gender within the environmental sector.
When she left CIE she worked for five years as the Program Officer for Education and Women in Development with the Netherlands Development Assistance, NEDA. As program officer she was responsible for Education, Gender, Reproductive Health, Good Governance and Human Rights in managing the program portfolios, maintaining internal and external contacts and contributing to the formulation of policies.
Throughout her career she has also engaged in a long list of consultancies for the World Bank, JICA, DFID, CIDA, ILO, etc. as well as a variety of Pakistani NGOs and government agencies. As a consultant she has lead international research projects and conducted gender assessments, evaluations and scoping studies.[3-22]
Email: fatimahihsan322@gmail.com