Shane Hammond

Shane Hammond
Lecturer; Graduate Program Director, College of Education
Professional Interests: 
Development of policy and institutional levers for promoting access to higher education for historically marginalized student populations nationally and internationally.



B.S.,  University of Massachusetts, 1991
M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, 1995
Ed.D., George Washington University, 2013


Shane Hammond is a scholar-practitioner in higher education with over twenty years of experience in administration and leadership, including Student Affairs, human resource management, policy analysis, strategic planning and assessment and the application of student centered, high impact retention and completion practices.  Shane has been a practitioner in both the public and private sectors of higher education throughout his career.


Shane's commitment to access and opportunity can be seen in both his professional work and civic engagement.  He is currently a member of the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Education Board, offering thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving students each year, and a board member for Safe Passage, a local organization committed to supporting survivors of domestic violence and their families.


Now serving on the Graduate Faculty in the College of Education and as Co-Principal Investigator for the Afghanistan USWDP project at the Center for International Education, Shane continues his work in administration, curriculum design and teaching, supporting comprehensive student learning and international development in higher education.  His teaching includes courses in student development theory, community college leadership and higher education foundations for both the Department of Education Policy, Research and Administration and the Higher Education Leadership and Management Certificate program.


Shane's empirical research of student veterans in higher education has been nationally recognized and published in peer reviewed academic journals and online forums.  His scholarly interests include the development of policy and institutional levers for promoting access to higher education for historically marginalized student populations nationally and internationally.


Recent Activities

Shane is the P.I. for the Pakistan Community College Administrator project. The goals of the project are to develop participant understanding and knowledge about the U.S. community college model, to facilitate educational development in Pakistan, and to foster sustained engagement between U.S. and Pakistani counterparts and institutions. Holyoke Community College is a partner along with CIE. The Institute for Training and Development (ITD) of Amherst is the lead contractor for the project funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Four stateside training workshops are being conducted over two years, each serving government officials and 20 higher education administrators from vocational and technical institutions throughout Pakistan.


Shane is also the Co-Principal Investigator and Partnership Coordinator for the University Support & Workforce Development Project (USWDP) in Afghanistan. USWDP is committed to improving academic quality through the establishment of new degree programs in Afghan universities. These programs will be driven by the labor market, providing education that will increase students’ employability and their ability to make a positive impact in the economy of Afghanistan.  In his work, Shane serves as a liaison between USWDP and US-based community colleges and universities to develop academic programs and conduct faculty development activities. [4-18]


Recent Publications

George Mwangi, C.A., Latafat, S., Hammond, S. et al. Paradoxes in international higher education: A critical discourse analysis of higher education journals. High Educ (2018):


Hammond, S. (2017), Student Veterans in Higher Education: A Conversation Six Decades in the Making. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2016: 11–21. doi:10.1002/ir.20191


Vacchi, D., Hammond, S. and Diamond, A. (2017), Conceptual Models of Student Veteran College Experiences. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2016: 23–41. doi:10.1002/ir.20192


Hammond, S. (2015). Complex perceptions of identity: The experiences of combat veterans in community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2015.1017891


Hammond, S. and Cass, D. (2015). Bridging the gap: Technology and veteran success. Online Learning, v19, 1, January.