Gwendoyn Heaner

Gwendoyn Heaner
Research Fellow
Professional Interests: 
Education, gender, religion and culture, and livelihoods/poverty reduction, in particular in fragile and conflict-affected states.


Dr. Heaner is a  Research Fellow at University of Massachusetts Center for International Education (CIE), working as the Research Manager for USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN) with the objective to build evidence and capacity for increasing access to education in crisis and conflict-affected environments. She directs and manages a strategic research agenda for the USAID-funded project and supports the development and implementation of a strategic research agenda for the Community of Practice. Dr. Heaner leads the research activities to conduct awide range of education in conflict and crisis-related studies planned under this project.


Dr. Heaner is also the founder and managing director of GK Consulting (established 2012), a small research consulting firm whose recent clients have included UNWomen, Unicef, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Plan, Oxfam and Save the Children, working in countries around the world including Liberia, Sierra Leone, Papua New Guinea, DRC, India, Brazil, China, Rwanda, Nigeria and El Salvador. Outside of GK Consulting she also regularly consults for the World Bank.


Recent Activity


Senior Technical Advisor for World Bank in Nigeria and Tanzania: Providing training, virtual oversight and quality assurance of local field team conducting rapid qualitative assessment of agricultural and household enterprise livelihoods in Nigeria (2016) and Tanzania (2017); leading analysis and reporting of findings and recommendations


Social and Gender Specialist for Liberia with Millennium Challenge Corporation: Social and Gender Constraints to Poverty Reduction Analysis for Liberia MCC Compact Process; review and analysis of data across sectors (education, healthcare, land use, infrastructure (roads and electricity); during project implementation, preparing and advising on social and gender integration plan.


Recent Publications


Chapman, Emily Weedon; Heaner, Gwendolyn K.. (2016). Volume 1 – Report; Volume 2 – Annexes. Social Protection and Labor Discussion Paper; No. 1608. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group


Heaner, Gwendoly K. (July 2015).‘”It was like we prepared for a battle that never came!’ Evaluation of Save the Children’s Community Care Centers in Dolo Town and Worhn”, Save the Children International.