David R. Evans
Professor Emeritus; Founding Director of CIE (1970-2016)
Professional Interests: 
Educational planning and policy in developing countries; teacher education systems; non-formal and popular education; culture & educational administration; games and simulations; institutional development. Principal Investigator for large education projects in Afghanistan, southern Sudan and Malawi in recent decade.



B.A., Oberlin College, 1959
M.Sc., University of Illinois, 1961
Diploma of Education 1st Class, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 1962
Ph.D., Stanford, 1969


In my 50 years at the Center for International Education, I have been involved in a wide variety of academic and practical activities. During this time period I have been involved in the design and management of dozens of educational projects in Latin America, Asia and Africa. I have also been a consultant on education projects. My extended field experience is largely in anglo-phone Africa, with over five years of experience as a teacher and researcher in Uganda. My most recent experience has been in Afghanistan, Malawi and Southern Sudan. From 2005 to 2019 I have been and currently am the PI of a large higher education project in Afghanistan. Over the years I have developed an understanding of the development philosophy and practices of the major development agencies like UNESCO, IBRD, USAID, UNICEF as well as international NGOs like CARE and Save the Children.


My academic & research interests have focused on the following topics: theory and practice in nonformal & popular education; educational planning in developing countries; teacher education in third world countries; use of spreadsheet-based models for educational planning; gender issues & girls' education in developing countries; and educational policy formulation and implementation for developing countries. Other interests have included: simulation and gaming for NFE learners; models and simulations for education system management; and cross-cultural training. More recent research interests have focused on alternative approaches to systems of teacher education in low-resource contexts; the political economy of educational statistics; the challenges of policy formulation in decentralizing national systems.


Recent Activities

For the past thirteen years I have been the Principal Investigator, leading the CIE team, for a series of multi-million dollar higher education projects in Afghanistan, first with CIE as a sub-contractor, then with CIE as the prime contractor, and now with CIE as the primary technical sub-contractor on a five year project. The project works with 11 public universities in Afghanistan to develop new degree programs at the Master's level and at the Associate Degree level. The project is also working to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Higher Education and the universities. Earlier I was P.I. of a large education project in southern Sudan that combined a variety of NFE and alternative school approaches to meeting the immediate needs of children in that post-conflict setting.


I retired officially at the end of 2016, but continued working part-time for three years managing projects and working with doctoral students. Since then I have been informally helping the new Director in a variety of tasks including communications with the world-wide network of CIE graduates.



In July 2021 I published a chapter entitled "Training ‘Deep Practitioners’: 50 Years of the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst" in a new book, Comparative and International Education, with chapters written by Fellows of CIES. Many of the other publications from my career are available for free download on the Scholarworks site of UMass Amherst. [8-21]