After completing her Master’s degree Evangeline worked with Stephen Richardson as a consultant with the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). She was part of a team conducting a mapping and market analysis of the capacity development needs of the EiE sector as input to the capacity building strategy for INEE.
In 2016 Evangeline joined EDC in Boston where she is a senior training and technical assistance advisor in the US Division of EDC. She is currently the lead online community manager for the national network of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) INCLUDES Initiative, which seeks to broaden participation in STEM careers. She advances the goals of EDC’s NSF-funded AGEP Evaluation Capacity Building Conference (ECBC) project to build the capacity of AGEP evaluators. Evangeline also co-leads REL Northeast & Islands at EDC initiatives to build the capacity of Vermont supervisory unions to make evidence-based decisions. [3-23]
At the same time she continues in her role as a co-director of the Calcutta Kids Trust where she oversees the maternal and Young Child Health Initiative. Earlier she focused on training health workers to hone their skills as educators to empower mothers to prevent child malnutrition and ensure a healthy foundation for the first 1,000 days of life. [5-20]
Before coming to CIE Evangeline worked with the Akanksha Foundation which helps underprivileged children from urban slums and provides non-formal education with a focus on English, math, values, creativity and on action-based learning driven by the Gandhian principle of being the change you wish to see in the world. While there she started and managed a program called the 'social leadership program' which focused on building life skills for adolescents.
Motivated by her experience with Akanksha Foundation she then worked as a consultant with The Child In Need Institute in one of the lowest performing states in rural India, to assist in the implementation of rural education projects with the state government of Jharkhand. The project provided technical assistance to the state government to promote delayed-age marriage for adolescent girls and to reduce the prevalence of anemia.