Erica Piedade is currently the Director of Local Public Health Initiatives with the Office of Local and Regional Health, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). Her focus is capacity building for rural boards of health and workforce development for local public health professionals as part of the OLRH mission to support the 351 local boards of health and the two federally recognized Tribes in Mass.
She is a co-chair of the Inter-Agency Tribal Partners Work Group, currently comprised of 5 state agencies focusing on enhancing access to services by and developing relationships with the Mass. Tribal and Native American communities that are equitable and strength based. She is also part of the ASTHO State Tribal Liaison Group.
Prior to this current position Erica Piedade was the Director of Quality Assurance and Licensing for the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services at MDPH and her work in the field of addiction spanned over 18 years in positions including manager, licensing inspector, program planner, and trainer at the state and non-profit/community level.
She has worked in public health over 30 years building on her strong commitment to and experience in the development of integrated, accessible, equitable, and racially just public health service systems. She entered the public health field as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal in 1981 staying in Nepal another 2 years post-PCV service to work on development projects. [1-21]
Email: erica.piedade@gmail.com