Jones Dube

Elvyn passed away on November 14, 2012.   Obituary


Elvyn continues with her private practice in psychotherapy, is an adjunct professor at the Graduate School in the College of New Rochelle. At the end of 2007 she sent along this update:


I continue in my second profession as psychoanalyst and mental health specialist, which arose out of my experiences of living abroad for over twenty-five years.  During that time, I became aware of the paucity of knowledge and services available to indigenous populations and the international community living abroad.  International life and service has a tendency of taking one into unanticipated areas.  My areas of work have coalesced in providing individual and group therapy to diverse populations, program management, teaching, training and supervision. I maintain my links with the international community. [12-07] 


Last year I was made a Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association and in the spring, will be running for a state-wide office in the National Association of Social Workers.  My motto continues to be "sieze the time".  I continue to work full time in the field of adult education and mental health, which has grown to include clients with HIV/Aids and Hep C.  [This is New York!]  As I discovered in London, mental health issues are a neglected area amongst us all, largely due to stigma.  This is doubly so among people of color.  It is a fitting and much need area for work, training and study for someone with my skills set and broad cultural exposure.  At present,  I am  working with a Kenyan colleague to explore the viability of an information transfer from the US to African  mental health practitioners.  [2-07]



Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate