After leaving CIE, Elias returned to Domasi College of Education where we resumed his role as Principle. Domasi is the largest Teachers’ Training College in Malawi which trains teachers at both Diploma and Degree.
In 2014 he was elected to Parliament representing the district of Dowa Ngala. During the five years he served in Parliament he held various additional positions. He was chairperson of the Education, Science and Technology Committee. In 2017 he was also the chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Education. Additionally Elias was the Director of Elections for the Malawi Congress Party.
In 2020 he was elected as one of four regional vice presidents of the Democrat Union of Africa (DUA). The DUA is an association of democratic parties in Africa and like-minded political parties of the centre and centre-right. [2-21]
Email: eliaschakwera@yahoo.com