Duong van Thanh

Duong van Thanh is currently an assistant professor at the SIT Graduate Institute as well as being the Country Director and the Academic Director for SIT Study Abroad, based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has held these posts since 2008.  The program is a 16-credit training course that provides American students with exposure to different environmental and cultural sites of Viet Nam and Cambodia.


Because the underlying philosophy of SIT is rooted in experiential learning, she travels with the students to a variety of cultural and ecologically important sites in the Mekong Delta region. Thanh is actively working to promote educational exchanges between US and countries in Southeast Asia.


In 2020, she was appointed as the Co-Chair for SIT Graduate Institute on International Education in Vietnam. The new SIT- Global Master Degree on International Education will be officially started in fall 2020.


During her years in Vietnam she has attended international workshops and presented reports on enriching study abroad programs through community service projects, peer learning, and cross-cultural learning. She presented at the 2014 COTSEAL Conference at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, the 2015 GUAVA Conference at the University of Los Angeles and the Copenhagen ADI conference in 2017.


Before starting her degree program at CIE she worked with the Ministry of Education and Training in Hanoi as a Senior Program Officer coordinating student exchanges and educational projects in Vietnam with Unicef, Unesco, and the World Bank.  In that role she helped develop alternative educational models for rural students, led cross-cultural professional exchanges in Vietnam and the US, and worked with officials on public policy development.[3-20]


She has a chapter entitled “Educating hard-to-reach children in Viet Nam” in the book From Bullets to Blackboards published by the Inter-American Development Bank, 2005. She recently published an article in the Review of Social Sciences Ho Chi Minh City “Developing the Critical Thinking through Learning Experience and Typology: A Model of Studying Abroad in International Schools in Ho Chi Minh City” (2019)


Email: Thanh.Duong@sit.edu


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate