Ramoshebi Ishmael Moletsane

Dr. Moletsane passed away in October 2012


Dr. R. I. M Moletsane comes from Lesotho where he served in many senior leadership roles. Since retiring he has been active in the area of rural and sustainable development. At the time of his passing he was the Minister of Development Planning for Lesotho.  Prior to coming to CIE, Dr. Moletsane was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Botswana, Lesotho & Swaziland- the predecessor of the National University of Lesotho (NUL).  He later served as Professor of Education at the University of Transkei and at the Qwaqwa Campus of the University of the North.


During 1997 - 2000, Dr. Moletsane served as the Vice-Chancellor of NUL.  As Vice-Chancellor, he was credited with introducing a range of transformative strategies on the campus. His achievements at NUL during that period included the merging of the Faculty of Agriculture with the Maseru College of Agriculture, the Development of the Faculty of Health Science, the transformation of Faculty of Science into Science and Technology, and the Establishment of Academic Development Centre. He also focused on improving office space for lecturers, and he acquired computers for the University as well as land for a sports complex.


Following his tenure at NUL, Dr. Moletsane continued his leadership role in education. During 2001 – 2004, he served as Director of National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS), and in 2004 he became the first Director General of the new Lesotho Institute of Public Administration and Management (LIPAM). In 2002 he was honored as a Desmond Tutu Fellow for his work with solar energy for remote areas.


More recently Dr. Moletsane has worked in the area of community development in Taung. His work included working with nurses to promote health facilities, organizing educational health campaigns, and working with miners to construct a secondary school. He has also promoted land management and soil conservation, water management, and sports in Taung.  As a current volunteer with Rural Communities of Lesotho, Dr. Molestane focuses on Women's Empowerment, Democracy and Sustainable Rural Development. [3-10]


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate