Headshot of David Lee

David Lee passed away in December 1995
His obituary can be found Here.


Before coming to CIE David earned a Master’s degree in International Affairs with a specialization in Russian Area Studies from Columbia University. He then served as a PCV in Zaire where he taught English and worked as a teacher trainer at the Advanced Pedagogical Institute of the National University of Zaire.


While at CIE David pursued his interest in nonformal education and its application in large-scale systems in Russia. He was an Exchange Scholar with the International Research and Exchange Board, Leningrad, USSR from 1983-1984. His dissertation studied the linkages between formal and nonformal education in the system of People’s Universities in the USSR.  Praeger published an edited version of his study in 1988.


After graduating, David worked as coordinator of Asian Studies at the Cushing Academy in Ashburnham, Massachusetts until 1993. During this period, he also worked as an in-service teacher trainer with the Children’s Art Exchange in Middlebury, Vermont.


In 1994, he returned to UMass to direct CIE’s Guinea Training Project that introduced Guinean teachers to American approaches to curriculum and administration. [1-96]


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate