Ashley & Darren Hertz

Husband and wife CIE graduates, Darren Hertz and Ashley Clayton Hertz, recently relocated to Bangkok, Thailand. Darren is working as the Country Director for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) supporting the Burmese refugee population in nine border camps in Thailand.  Ashley completed her doctorate in September 2017 and is now consulting remotely with the University Research Co, LLC supporting Reading within Reach (REACH) to develop tools and resources for members of the Global Reading Network. She is currently leading the development of REACH's Classroom Observation Toolkit which will provide guidance for conducting classroom observations in early grade reading programs. 


Prior to moving to Bangkok, Darren and Ashley lived and worked in West and South Africa for over 7 years, mostly in Sierra Leone. Darren served as IRC's Education Coordinator, Senior Ebola Response Coordinator, and Deputy Director of Programs in Sierra Leone. Ashley worked with Save the Children in Sierra Leone and later in South Africa providing technical oversight and guidance to their education programs. She worked with IRC as a long-term consultant supporting the design and implementation of a comprehensive teacher professional development model for a Consortia-led early grade reading initiative. In this role, she led the preparation and support of instructional coaches to support teachers through coaching and teacher learning circles.


During this time, Ashley also completed her doctoral dissertation entitled "Going the Extra Mile": Perspectives and Experiences of Coaches Supporting Primary School Teachers in Sierra Leone.   


If any CIE members are passing through Bangkok, please feel free to contact them. They enjoy hosting visitors and exploring the city together. 




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate