Dale Kinsley

In 1971 I left UMass to accept a job at the University of California/Santa Cruz to work with Joe Blackman, a fellow Charter member of CIE, on a Teacher Corps/Peace Corps program.  Later I became a faculty member and Director of Teacher Preparation at UCSC. I also was elected and served on the School Board of the Santa Cruz City School District from 1977 – 79.  


In 1979 I decided to take a two-year leave from UCSC in order to join another CIE'erJim Hoxeng, at USAID in Washington, D. C.  I couldn't decide at the time whether I was going to make a difference in schools in the US or through programs in the developing world.  While in DC Bill Smith, another CIE'er and staff member at the Academy for Educational Development at the time, helped me meet my soon-to-be-bride, Cheryll Greenwood.  Cheryll was running the International Division of AED at the time.  


We were married in May, 1981 and soon thereafter I accepted the job of Superintendent of the Santa Cruz City School District. I served that district for 10 years and in 1991 we moved to Bellingham, WA where I became the Superintendent of Schools for the Bellingham Public Schools. I served in that position for 16 years until 2007 when I retired.


After retiring I was asked by WA State to lead the development of an in-service leadership program for practicing Principals and Superintendents across the State. In 2008 I became the Executive Director of the Washington State Leadership Academy which required leading in-service seminars for district leadership teams for all regions of Washington State. I also worked directly with a number of districts as an Improvement Coach.


In 2012 I fully retired and begin devoting my time to family, friends, community activities, travel, and personal enjoyment. Cheryll and I have lived on Lummi Island, the northernmost island in the San Juan Islands of Puget Sound, since 2008. We love the quiet and beauty of our home and surroundings, but also delight in the time we are able to spend with family and friends locally and across the country.


Our oldest son, Peter, who was born in Northampton, MA in 1970, lives in Madison, WI where he is the senior institutional researcher for the Graduate Division of the University of Wisconsin. He and his wife, Ann, have two children who are 7 and 13. Peter started in the doctoral program at CIE but transferred to the University of Wisconsin and finished his Ph.D. there.


Our youngest son, Leon, completed an MA in Information and Library Science at the University of Washington and now lives with his wife at Birch Bay, WA. We are also God-Grandparents to the families of two women whose parents were dear friends of ours. These families live in Portland, OR and Oakland, CA. Before this pandemic and when it is over, we will spend much of our time traveling to be with these children and now Zooming on a regular basis. We are deeply grateful for the blessings of our lives and continue to try to help the many in our community and around the world who are in need. [12-20]


Email: dale@northnugent.com



Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate