Student Professional Activity

CIE students are encouraged to apply their learning by working with education systems and educators during their studies. Many CIE students are mid-career professionals who undertake consulting or field work as part of their degree program. The articles in this section chronicle professional activities of current students including articles on presentations at professional conferences, and a new series of articles on dissertation research that is under way.



CIE @ CIES 2024 in Miami

In March of 2024, CIES held its 68th annual Conference in Miami.  The conference included two days online, and after a two-day break, five days of in-person conference.


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Pempho Chinkondenji (Ph.D. 2023) Wins National Dissertation Award

Pempho ChinkondenjiThe Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) announced the 2023 winner of the society’s Outstanding Dissertation Award.  Pempho Chinkondenji received the award for her dissertation entitled The Im/possibilities of (Un)making In-school Pregnancy and Student Motherhood [as Praxis]: Schooling Post-Pregnancy Amidst Health and Social Crises in Malawi.”


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Shamo Thar receives the Scholarly Excellence Award

In May 2023 Shamo Thar was awarded the Scholarly Excellence Award, one of the Leadership of Tomorrow awards of the Student Affairs and Campus Life program at UMass Amherst. The award recognizes a graduate assistant who demonstrates mastery in blending their assistantship responsibilities with their chosen academic discipline.


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CIE Hosts an International Café Without Borders

CIE hosts monthly meetings of an international "Café Without Borders" to bring together a community of graduate students from around the world.


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CIE @ CIES 2023 in Washington D.C.

The 67th annual CIES Conference was held in Washington, D.C. in February this year. The conference was organized in an unusual split format: two days online, then a two-day break, followed by five days of in-person conference.


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CIE @ CIES 2022 – in Person and in Pajamas

The CIE network was again well represented at the 2022 CIES conference in Minneapolis with nearly 30 CIE/IE graduates, current students and faculty members listed on the program.


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Nangyalai Attal Receives Grant from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

In Spring 2022 Nangyalai Attal received a research grant from the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) on behalf of its Sponsored Project Echidna Giving. The grant is intended to allow previous Echidna Global Scholars to continue their research in their home countries.


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Options for Financing Public Higher Education in Afghanistan - Hassan Aslami

The research explores additional funding sources and options for financing public universities in Afghanistan which are faced with exploding demand and limited government resources.


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Nangyalai Attal Selected for the Echidna Global Scholars Program

Nangyalai Attal has been awarded a visiting fellowship with the Echidna Global Scholars Program of the Brookings Institute


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