Research at CIE

The articles below provide examples of current and recent research activities associated with CIE.  Research takes a variety of forms including: Master’s capstone projects, doctoral dissertation research, faculty research, and research undertaken as part of funded development projects.  CIE encourages the synergy which occurs when research applies conceptual and theoretical perspectives to the task of understanding real world problems.


The researchers and the topics reflect the diversity of issues being studied as well as the world-wide locations in which CIE carries out research.  For a look at the past work of many other Master’s and Doctoral students, as well as research in multiple projects, visit the CIE site on UMass Scholarworks where all documents can be downloaded for free.

Pempho Chinkondenji (Ph.D. 2023) Wins National Dissertation Award

Pempho ChinkondenjiThe Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) announced the 2023 winner of the society’s Outstanding Dissertation Award.  Pempho Chinkondenji received the award for her dissertation entitled The Im/possibilities of (Un)making In-school Pregnancy and Student Motherhood [as Praxis]: Schooling Post-Pregnancy Amidst Health and Social Crises in Malawi.”


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Bjorn Nordtveit completes 10 years as Editor of CER

CIE is honored to have hosted the editorship of the Comparative Education Review (CER) led by Bjorn Nordtveit for the past 10 years.


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Majid Khan returns to CIE as a Visiting Scholar

After 13 years Majid Khan (M.Ed. 2003; Doctorate 2009) has returned to CIE as a Visiting Scholar for the 2022/23 academic year. He will be working with the CIE Director, Ian Barron, on issues related to abuse prevention and trauma recovery in Pakistan.


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Nangyalai Attal Receives Grant from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

In Spring 2022 Nangyalai Attal received a research grant from the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) on behalf of its Sponsored Project Echidna Giving. The grant is intended to allow previous Echidna Global Scholars to continue their research in their home countries.


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Options for Financing Public Higher Education in Afghanistan - Hassan Aslami

The research explores additional funding sources and options for financing public universities in Afghanistan which are faced with exploding demand and limited government resources.


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Nangyalai Attal Selected for the Echidna Global Scholars Program

Nangyalai Attal has been awarded a visiting fellowship with the Echidna Global Scholars Program of the Brookings Institute


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Narratives from Lesvos and the Borderscapes of the EU – Jenn Flemming

The research uses in-depth narratives and stories of border crossers and those involved in the humanitarian response. The study also used photography and image elicitation methods as another way to interact with participants. In doing so, it allowed research participants to choose how their stories were represented, told, and analyzed.  


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College of Education Scholarships awarded

Each year the College of Education awards scholarships to students   For the 2020-2021 academic year several CIE/IE students have received awards.


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Pempho Chinkondenji selected as Research Associate for 2020-2021

Pempho Chinkondenji was selected as a Research Associate by the Five College Women's Studies Research Center. Her research focuses on issues related to school-girl pregnancy in Malawi.


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Addressing Youth Trauma in a Rio de Janeiro Favela – Dr. Ian Barron

This research uses a randomized control design to evaluate the impact of embedding psychosocial activities in the physical exercise curriculum of a youth club in a Rio de Janeiro favela.


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