
CIE publications

Bjorn Nordtveit completes 10 years as Editor of CER

CIE is honored to have hosted the editorship of the Comparative Education Review (CER) led by Bjorn Nordtveit for the past 10 years.


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50 years of Doctoral Dissertations at CIE

In September of 2019, CIE published the 7th edition of its Dissertation Abstracts, a compilation of the abstracts of all dissertations completed by students associated with CIE since its founding in 1969.


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Two CIE Master’s Projects in Top Ten Downloads from UMass Scholarworks

Scholarworks CircleThe Master's capstone projects of two graduates from CIE are in the top ten most frequent downloads from the nearly 48,000 papers on the UMass Scholarworks site.


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Bjorn Nordtveit Editorial on Data Sharing

Bjorn Nordtveit, the editor of the Comparative Education Review, published an editorial on data sharing in the February 2018 issue.


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Faculty Development in Developing Countries - Cristine Smith

CIE faculty member Cristine Smith is co-editor of a new book on Faculty Development in Developing Countries: Improving Teaching Quality in Higher Education with Kate Hudson, lecturer in higher education and Director of Program Development at the College of Education, UMass Amherst.


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Gretchen Rossman publishes new editions of her best-selling books on Qualitative Inquiry

Gretchen Rossman recently published new editions of Designing Qualitative Research and Introduction to Qualitative Research, both popular books for students learning about the process of qualitative research.


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Bjorn Nordtveit publishes book on “Schools as Protection"

CIE faculty member Bjorn Nordtveit has authored a book on child protection titled Schools as protection?: Reinventing education in contexts of adversity, published by Springer in 2016.


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