Fall 2022/Spring 2023

Shamo Thar receives the Scholarly Excellence Award

In May 2023 Shamo Thar was awarded the Scholarly Excellence Award, one of the Leadership of Tomorrow awards of the Student Affairs and Campus Life program at UMass Amherst. The award recognizes a graduate assistant who demonstrates mastery in blending their assistantship responsibilities with their chosen academic discipline.


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CIE Graduates Create Wonder Lab

CIE graduates Stephen Richardson and Yaelle Stempfelet create Wonder Lab, a consulting team. Recent work includes research on Ukrainian youth refugees.


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Meet-up in Amherst in July 2023

Jan and Nanette met with Anna Donovan at the Miltz home in Amherst.


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New CIE Director begins June 2023

In June 2023 CIE welcomed Cliff Meyers ('96) as its Interim Director.

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Bjorn Nordtveit completes 10 years as Editor of CER

CIE is honored to have hosted the editorship of the Comparative Education Review (CER) led by Bjorn Nordtveit for the past 10 years.


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CIE/IE Degrees Earned in the 2022-2023 Academic Year

This year there was a larger than usual group of CIE/IE doctoral graduates representing five different countries: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi and the USA.


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