Fall 2020/Spring 2021

Options for Financing Public Higher Education in Afghanistan - Hassan Aslami

The research explores additional funding sources and options for financing public universities in Afghanistan which are faced with exploding demand and limited government resources.


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Meet-up of CIE folks in Amherst – July 2021

In July of 2021 Frank McNerney visited Amherst where several local CIE folks joined him for breakfast at Kelly’s - a local breakfast hangout.


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Meet-up in North Carolina

Haleh Arbab stopped in to see Jane Benbow in North Carolina on the way from Florida to Washington, D.C. in June of 2021.


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Pempho Chinkondenji Receives the 2021 Joyce A. Berkman Award

Pempho Chinkondenji has been awarded the Joyce A. Berkman Award for Outstanding Graduate Feminist Scholarship.


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CIE/IE Degrees Earned in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

This year the graduates were honored in a joint ceremony with all the other UMass graduate students. The still present COVID-19 pandemic led to a hybrid ceremony with the graduate students gathered on the field of the football stadium – all seated in a socially-distant array facing the commencement stage.


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CIE @ CIES – Virtual Again in 2021

For the second year in a row, the CIES annual conference was held virtually via Zoom.  With the lessons learned from 2020, the conference organizers were able to provide a very smooth and effective platform for participants from anywhere in the world.


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Narratives from Lesvos and the Borderscapes of the EU – Jenn Flemming

The research uses in-depth narratives and stories of border crossers and those involved in the humanitarian response. The study also used photography and image elicitation methods as another way to interact with participants. In doing so, it allowed research participants to choose how their stories were represented, told, and analyzed.  


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Patricia Maguire: Sharing the History of My Professional Journey

As CIE graduates retire or approach the end of their professional careers, they face the question of what to do with all that they have done, learned, and written.  They ask themselves if others might benefit in some way from their work, but face the challenge of how to share their experience. Patricia Maguire has provided us with an inspiring example of one answer to that question.


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Lina Heaster-Ekholm awarded a Graduate School Dissertation Grant

Lina Heaster-Ekholm received a Graduate School Dissertation Grant for 2020-2021 to support her dissertation research that focuses on designing culturally responsive pedagogy for online learning of international students.


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