Faculty Activity

Faculty members associated with the Center International Education are active in development education in field settings as well as being involved in academic research and publication based on their experience.  The teaching and research activities in the International Education program are informed by the current development experience of both faculty and students. For more information on faculty members, their interests and their publications go to the faculty page.


New CIE Director begins June 2023

In June 2023 CIE welcomed Cliff Meyers ('96) as its Interim Director.

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Bjorn Nordtveit completes 10 years as Editor of CER

CIE is honored to have hosted the editorship of the Comparative Education Review (CER) led by Bjorn Nordtveit for the past 10 years.


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Majid Khan returns to CIE as a Visiting Scholar

After 13 years Majid Khan (M.Ed. 2003; Doctorate 2009) has returned to CIE as a Visiting Scholar for the 2022/23 academic year. He will be working with the CIE Director, Ian Barron, on issues related to abuse prevention and trauma recovery in Pakistan.


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Dwight W. Allen and CIE

Dwight W. Allen, the former Dean of the School of Education (1968-1975), passed away at the age of 90 on October 16, 2021. He was the original founder of the Center for International Education at UMass Amherst.

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Addressing Youth Trauma in a Rio de Janeiro Favela – Dr. Ian Barron

This research uses a randomized control design to evaluate the impact of embedding psychosocial activities in the physical exercise curriculum of a youth club in a Rio de Janeiro favela.


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Worldwide University Network Grant for College of Ed Faculty

Four UMass, Amherst faculty, Chrystal George Mwangi (principal investigator), Sangeeta Kamat, Jonique Childs and Enobong Branch, were recently awarded a grant through Worldwide University Network (WUN) to conduct an international study on “Researching Diversity, Inclusion and Student Success: Towards a Global Campus Climate.”

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Ash Hartwell leads CIE-ECCN team at AEWG Meeting in Budapest

In February, Ash Hartwell led the CIE-ECCN (Education in Crisis and Conflict Network) team at the recent meeting of the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) in Budapest, Hungary


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Ian Barron Joins Council of Scholars on Future of EMDR

Ian Barron, the Director of the Center for International Education at UMass, has recently been invited to join the Council of Scholars in the Future of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy Project.


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Bjorn Nordtveit at Sino-Africa Seminar in Dar es Salaam

As part of his work as a guest professor with Zhejiang Normal University, Bjorn Nordtveit attended a conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in November of 2018.


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