
CIE/IE Degrees Earned in the 2022-2023 Academic Year

This year there was a larger than usual group of CIE/IE doctoral graduates representing five different countries: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi and the USA.


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Majid Khan returns to CIE as a Visiting Scholar

After 13 years Majid Khan (M.Ed. 2003; Doctorate 2009) has returned to CIE as a Visiting Scholar for the 2022/23 academic year. He will be working with the CIE Director, Ian Barron, on issues related to abuse prevention and trauma recovery in Pakistan.


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CIE Degrees Earned in the 2021-2022 Academic Year

This year UMass returned to in-person graduation ceremonies.  The graduate commencement honored graduates from both the 2019-20 and 2021-22 years since there was no ceremony in spring of 2020.  As a result there were a much larger number of graduates – so many that the ceremony was held in the football stadium.  There were more than 1,000 Master’s graduates in attendance!

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Nangyalai Attal Selected for the Echidna Global Scholars Program

Nangyalai Attal has been awarded a visiting fellowship with the Echidna Global Scholars Program of the Brookings Institute


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Pempho Chinkondenji Receives the 2021 Joyce A. Berkman Award

Pempho Chinkondenji has been awarded the Joyce A. Berkman Award for Outstanding Graduate Feminist Scholarship.


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CIE/IE Degrees Earned in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

This year the graduates were honored in a joint ceremony with all the other UMass graduate students. The still present COVID-19 pandemic led to a hybrid ceremony with the graduate students gathered on the field of the football stadium – all seated in a socially-distant array facing the commencement stage.


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Patricia Maguire: Sharing the History of My Professional Journey

As CIE graduates retire or approach the end of their professional careers, they face the question of what to do with all that they have done, learned, and written.  They ask themselves if others might benefit in some way from their work, but face the challenge of how to share their experience. Patricia Maguire has provided us with an inspiring example of one answer to that question.


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Lina Heaster-Ekholm awarded a Graduate School Dissertation Grant

Lina Heaster-Ekholm received a Graduate School Dissertation Grant for 2020-2021 to support her dissertation research that focuses on designing culturally responsive pedagogy for online learning of international students.


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Ambassador Cynthia Shepard Perry Awards for 2020-2021

Mishka Murad and Mariam Sheikh were both given an Ambassador Cynthia Shepard Perry (pIctured) Award for the 2020-2021 academic year.  The award was established to provide support for graduate students in international education or affiliated with the Center for International Education to help them pursue international field work.  


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