After several years in Bolivia, Cole and Jenny Genge moved to Bangkok, as Cole took a job in a regional environmental protection project in South East Asia. [12/07]
Prior to this, Cole was working as Conservation Projects Coordinator for Bolivia in the Southern Andes Conservation Program of the Nature Conservancy. He managed 3 projects: Parks in Peril, which provides assistance to 2 national parks in a high conflict area; Multi-Sites—mostly financial support for the national system of protected areas and cross-border conservation efforts between Bolivia and Argentina, Chile, Paraguay; and the Noel Kempff Climate Action Project—a greenhouse gas effect mitigation project via conservation, the largest in the world of its kind.
Cole wrote to CIE at the time:
I love the work I am doing, to the point that even on the longest and hardest days of work, I come home exhausted but fulfilled and satisfied that I have accomplished something worth working for. It's a great feeling! Jenny was teaching a Master's level course on curriculum development at a private Bolivian university until about a month ago, when it got too uncomfortable to even move around because of the pregnancy [with our second son]. She loves teaching and does a fantastic job at it... She is not planning to teach any time soon, [as] motherhood is more than a full-time job, and one she also loves and does very well.
We look forward to living in La Paz (in the highlands, around 13,000 ft), after a year and a half in Santa Cruz (in the lowlands, around 1,200 ft), and escaping from the perpetual heat and moisture that is so characteristic of the Amazon basin. After all, both Jenny and I are from the mountains—the Andes at that! Going back to the mountains will be a nice change. [11/04]
Email: cgenge@tnc.org (Cole); jepema19@yahoo.com (Jenny)