Jenkins Charles

For CIE's 40th, Charlie reflected back on his active career. For other aspects of his career before he became an educator, you may find the recent article at MassLive blog of interest.


Life continues to present interesting challenges! Like my CIE colleagues my professional career has focused on making a difference. We know that educational development continues to be a viable force for young people and adults alike. As an educator, achieving this goal and deciding which direction to take is the challenge.  My successes are based on analyzing, exploring, measuring, planning, and the ability to form linkages by reaching out, learning from others and sharing information.


My experiences involve working in 17 Asian countries, representing  the U.S. State Department over a three year period.  Lecturing, conducting clinics for Asian Physical Education teachers and teaching coaches in track & field  techniques  were some of my responsibilities during this time frame. I have worked for thirty five years for the federal government.  This included assignment with Peace Corps’on the Philippines desk and as an  Associate Director in Indonesia and Thailand. I also enjoyed employment with the U.S. Office of Education, in the areas of Higher and Elementary Education, Adult and Continuing Education, and State and Local Programs. All to promote the cause of continuing reform in education.


In the Office of Economic Opportunity I directed the Office of Research and Evaluation/Job Corps. I was responsible for conducting evaluations of elements of Job Corps systems, which included Job Corps plans, policy changes, and administrative actions. In 1980, I was assigned to the White House in an advisory capacity, on the President’s 1980 Olympic boycott.


Presently, I am working in the Social Security Administration’s Office of Communications, providing outreach to inform the American public on Social Security programs and practices. This involves work with community groups, colleges, and universities, religious organizations, and local government entities. As I write these few paragraphs, I began to feel that I have been working forever. Nevertheless, it has been a wonderful journey. [8-08]



Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate