After leaving CIE, Badziliyi returned to Botswana. He wrote then:
I am a lecturer at the University of Botswana-Center for Continuing Education-Public Education Unit (UB-CCE-PEU). I develop, organize, and manage the provision of public education activities. To make them relevant to learners, I involve communities not only in organization of learning, but also in the education issues in which they need enlightenment.
Because not every community member can participate at a given time in the determination of need for educational programs, we collaborate with communities to establish Public Education Advisory Committees (PEACs) on their behalf to specify the educational programs that the communities need.
So together PEACs work with UB to implement educational activities. Public education activities include conferences, inaugural lectures, panel discussions, popular theatre - drama, songs, and dances- public lectures, radio programs, short courses, symposia, talk-shows, television programs, think-tanks, and workshops. Besides organizing public education activities, PEACs also participate in education. They also participate in discussions of current issues.
In addition to working in Public Education, I carry out research, teach and co-teach with other University of Botswana faculty members, facilitate educational interaction between University of Botswana Faculties and the public, and create publications from such educational activities. [6-05]
A local newspaper reported on a meeting where Badziliyi addressed distant education students at Meepong Community Junior Secondary School. The Distant Education Unit of UB convened the meeting to brief part-time students on courses offered at the university. It also provided support and motivated distant learning groups.
- Nfila said that education has opened up their minds and developed their critical and analytical skills and therefore they must approach life as well-informed and independent citizens determined to make the best out of life.
- He explained that life is a problem itself and in order to survive, they must solve those problems, more so that problems themselves never end, adding that they should always think before they act.
One of his papers: Theoretical combat against the Surplus Labour class process: a humanities moral project - was published on line in 2007.
Email: nfilabb@mopipi.ub.bw