Arthur passed away in June of 2016. Arthur's obituary
After 25 plus years of service to Unesco, Arthur retired from his last position as Director of Youth and Sports Activities in April 1998. He has since enthusiastically pursued a diverse agenda of activities, some of his recent ones are chronicled below.
* A series of short videos about the history of Paris on the web. To see the complete selection of more than 40 videos go to Netprof and choose "Histoire de Paris" from the list on the left. [11-14]
* My note on involving marginalized people (handicapped, the very young, the oldies, etc.) in volunteering is summarized here.
* Consultancies have included a)helping run a regional youth policy workshop for Central and Eastern Africa at Addis Ababa, b) helping formulate a national youth policy in Rwanda, c) working up a cultural tourism policy for the Vrancea Judetul (province) in Eastern Romania, d)running an in-service training course for teachers of English at a language school an Nanning (Guangxi Province, China), e) helping "animate" a Middle East and North Africa Unicef workshop (Rabat) on participatory research with young people, and f)keynote talks to international conferences on the younger generation, NFE., tourism and other subjects in Thailand, Indonesia, Chile and Croatia.
* My guiding of Paris historical/cultural strolls continues unabated, and can be sampled in highly concentrated form (lots less talk than when really on the hoof) here. Scroll down the homepage until "Histoire de Paris" then pick your poison ;-)
* I write regularly for the quarterly newsletter called France on Your Own - once there, scroll way down until "Free Access". [Or see here.]
*My first book - One Million Volunteers - The Story of Volunteer Youth Service - is also available on-line here, as is a later opus minor, Ticket to Ride - Youth and Literacy, here.
* My son's folk/blues group is booming - check it out for giggles and samples! [12-08]
Email: pouchkine38@gmail.com