Founded in 1968, the Center for International Education (CIE) is part of the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. CIE has two major functions: 1) it solicits and manages externally-funded research studies and education development projects; 2) it simultaneously serves as a learning community for associated graduate students interested in working to develop educational systems around the world - particularly in low-resource settings and those afflicted by conflict and crisis. Faculty, staff, and graduate students work together in teams at CIE to seek out and manage funded projects. At any time, CIE is typically managing 3 to 5 international projects, often including one large multi-million dollar project and several smaller ones.
Montague House, a newly renovated farm house located next to the College of Education, is the physical home of CIE that provides shared space for both project management and the learning community for graduate students and faculty affiliated with CIE. CIE draws interested students from a variety of degree programs in the College of Education including International Education, Higher Education, and Educational Leadership. Faculty and students from other departments in the College or from other parts of the University are also welcome to participate in both project and learning activities.