Meet the Team

All chemistry majors are advised by a team of expert faculty who provide students with mentorship in their academics, preparation for employment, applying for internships, identifying opportunities for research experience, and more. Learn more about your advising team below.

headshot Hans Mentzen
Dr. Hans Mentzen
Undergraduate Program Director
View Profile
Headshot of Ruthanne Paradise.
Dr. Ruthanne Paradise
Chief Undergraduate Advisor, Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Ruthanne handles this, that, and the other. Students should reach out to her for X, Y, and Z.

View Profile
Dr. Justin Fermann
Undergraduate Honors College Coordinator

Changing Majors?

How do I declare chemistry as a primary or secondary major? Carefully review the chemistry degree requirements here, and then use Navigate to request an appointment with our Chief Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Ruthanne Paradise.

Where can I find out more about double majors, chemistry concentrations, or the 4+1 option? Use Navigate to request an appointment with our Chief Undergraduate Advisor, Prof. Ruthanne Paradise, or with our Undergraduate Program Director, Prof. Hans Mentzen.

How do I transfer out of chemistry? Make an advising appointment with your major of interest. Once you are accepted into their program, they will officially add you in Spire. At that point, chemistry will be dropped (unless you are choosing to keep it as a second major).

two students in lab

Considering Graduate School?

Talk with your advisor about graduate school opportunities, and explore these references:

Outline for Applying to Graduate School (Link to simple "passed" PDF)
UMass Chemistry 4+1 Masters Program
ACS’s Guide to Planning for Graduate Education in Chemistry
Peterson’s Guide to Graduate Schools
US News and World Report program rankings
The Princeton Review – graduate programs

cartoon faces with different emotions

Stressed or Anxious

Center for Counseling and Psychological Health offers a community of care to UMass Amherst
students to help cope with stress or anxiety, find strategies to overcome challenges, promote mental
wellbeing, and succeed in college life and beyond.

As part of the UMass community, we are conscious of the indeterminable number of events and situations
that occur across the globe and have a detrimental impact on our students, campus, and beyond. Whether
or not these events garner media attention, impact each of us directly or are part of a greater human
struggle, we are committed to helping each other navigate through difficult times and wish to extend
our support to those who may need it.

4 students walking outside

Study Abroad

Yes! With planning.....

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