Upper-level Courses

Fall Group Spring Group
CHEM 4xx+—Any 400-level chemistry course or above A CHEM 4xx+—Any 400-level chemistry course or above A
CHEM ENG 290A—Intro to Energy Engineering A/B CHEM ENG 571—Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials A
PHYS 531—Electronics for Scientists I w/Lab B PHYS 553—Optics w/Lab B
GEOLOGY 331—Mineralogy B GEOLOGY 321—Petrology w/Lab B
EDUC 512—Teaching Science in the Middle and High School B GEO SCI 519—Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry B
ENVSCI 515—Microbiology of Soil   EDUC 706—Science Teaching Workshop B
ENVSCI 575—Environmental Chemistry w/Lab B ENVSCI 585—Inorg. Contam. in Soil, Water, and Sediment  
FOOD SCI 542—Food Chemistry 2 B FOOD SCI 541—Food Chemistry I B
FOOD SCI 544—Food Chemistry Lab B FOOD SCI 575—Elements of Food Processing Engineering B
PUBHLTH 420—The DNA Experience B FOOD SCI 741—Lipid Chemistry B
    HIS 397ST—Sci., Tech., and War in 20th cent. US/Eur.  B
    PSE 501 —Intro to Polymer Science A
BIOCHEM 423—General Biochemistry I*   A BIOCHEM 424—General Biochemistry II* A
BIOCHEM 376—Intro Biochemistry Lab B BIOCHEM 376—Intro Biochemistry Lab B

If double majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:

BIOCHEM 426—General Biochemistry Lab