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The university has implemented AcademicWorks, an online application system for scholarships offered at UMass Amherst. Simply enroll in AcademicWorks, fill out both the UMass general application and the CNS application. The system will automatically submit your application to the scholarships and awards for which you are fully eligible and will inform you of other scholarships for which you would need to supply additional materials to apply.

Enroll in AcademicWorks at the AcademicWorks webpage and sign in with your UMass Net ID and password.
• Complete both the general application and the CNS application. The system will show if you are eligible for scholarships that require additional application materials.
• Click on each scholarship link and upload any required supplementary materials (such as resumes or faculty recommendations).
• Submit your application and check your dashboard to see the status of any pending and submitted applications.

Email @email if you have any questions.

Thousands of dollars in awards and scholarships given to chemistry students each year!

UMass Chemistry Scholarships & Awards

ACS-Hach Scientific Scholarship – Awarded to two undergraduate chemistry majors who are full-time students with a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better, are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and have a commitment to becoming a high school chemistry teacher. Preference is given to students with demonstrated need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Recipients will be known as ACS-Hach Land Grant Scholars and must agree to provide the donor with brief statements describing their career status annually for five years after graduation. Approximately $10,000 award. Open to US citizens or permanent residents.

ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry - The award is for those with interest in analytical chemistry and to recognize students who display an aptitude for a career in the field. The award consists of a personalized certificate and a one-year membership to the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. Students enrolled in CHEM 315 will be automatically considered by the faculty nominators, no application required.

ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry – Award recognizes demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation, interest, and should have future plans that include a career in chemistry. Each student nominated will receive a certificate and letter of commendation from the Chair of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry. The awardee’s name and nominating institution will be posted on a list that will be available on the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry website. Faculty nomination is required.

ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry – Award is intended to recognize senior students who display a significant aptitude for organic chemistry and to encourage further interest in the field. The award consists of a letter of recognition from the American Chemistry Society Division of Organic Chemistry and an award certificate signed by the division chair. Awardees who are members of the ACS will also receive membership to the Division of Organic Chemistry; those who are not will receive affiliate status. Name and affiliation with UMass will be posted on a list available on the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry website. Faculty nomination required.

ACS Physical Chemistry Division Undergraduate Award – Award recognizes outstanding achievement by undergraduate students in physical chemistry, and to encourage further pursuits in the field. The nominee will have demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry and related fields based on research, coursework, and/or dedication as defined by the nominating institution. The student should be committed to a career in chemistry, as broadly defined (e.g. research, education, industry, etc.). The award consists of an official certificate from the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry, recognition on the division’s website, a one-year complimentary membership in the Division of Physical Chemistry. Faculty nomination, no application.

American Institute of Chemists Award – The award includes a one-year, student affiliated membership in the AIC, which includes a subscription to "The Chemist", AIC's online journal for the chemical profession. Interested students should apply in the last semester of their senior year. Faculty member nomination is required.

Dr. Uche Anyanwu Memorial Fund – Awarded to the top three posters by chemistry majors at the Undergraduate Research Poster Session. Established by Dr. Ucheoma O. Akobundu to honor her late husband, who was part of the DV Group.This award is $100. Awarded by Selection Committee.

Roger G. Bates Chemistry Fund – Awarded to a chemistry major of high academic achievement for summer research support in the department. Made possible by the generous gift of Roger Bates. Approximately $2,500 award. Faculty recommendation required.

Michael Bruno Chemistry Scholarship – Scholarship support for an undergraduate student in the department of chemistry with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrated financial need. Preference for a student who is a resident of Massachusetts.

John A. Chandler Memorial Scholarship – Award provides scholarships for undergraduate students, honors the late Professor Chandler and was established by his wife. Criteria for the scholarship are: (1) the recipient must be entering his/her senior year with a major in chemistry; (2) the recipient must have at least a 3.0 grade point average; (3) preference is given to a student who plans on pursuing a career in teaching; and (4) preference is given to a student who participates as a tutor in the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program. Approximately $1,000 award.

Chemistry Undergraduate Research Fund – The award for the Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Research is funded by donations. The award is given to a chemistry major of high academic achievement to support research in the department. Faculty nomination required.

Connecticut Valley Section of the ACS (CVS/ACS) Student Award – This award includes a certificate and $75. It is presented annually to a graduating senior at the CVS Undergraduate Student Research Symposium. Faculty recommendation required.

Departmental of Chemistry Recognition Award – Awarded to two chemistry majors of high academic achievement, service to the department, and/or outstanding research. Faculty nomination required.

Department of Chemistry Senior Class Award – Awarded to a member of the senior class for exemplary scholarship and citizenship as voted upon by the senior chemistry majors, includes a $200 prize.

Richard W. Fessenden Award – This award is given to a graduating senior chemistry major who exemplifies exemplary scholarship and citizenship. This award comes with $100 and inscription of name on Fessenden Plaque. Faculty recommendation required.

J.F.B. Fund for Undergraduate Research – The award includes $3,000 for summer research for a chemistry major of high academic achievement for research support in the department. Made possible by the gift of Juanita Bradspies, chemistry major, class of 1959. Faculty recommendation required.

Sir Harold W. Kroto & Steve F. A. Acquah GEOSET Award – Awarded to a chemistry major who has demonstrated excellence in science communication through digital media. Approximately $400 award.

Jay A. Pirog Scholarship - Annual award to a chemistry major who has a financial need and maintains a 3.2 GPA. Established in memory of a former student by his mother and raised funds.

Positron Award - Honors Professors Dhandapani Venkataraman and Justin Fermann and promotes teaching and research. The award is given to a student who shows a strong interest in Chemistry, has exhibited leadership, has contributed to teaching and research, has given back to the community, and has clear future goals. Self-nomination, faculty and peer nominations.

Professor Jack Ragle Endowed Fund in Chemistry – Awarded to a chemistry major of high academic achievement for summer research in physical chemistry. Made possible by the generous gift of chemistry alum, Dr. Edward P. Marram '59, '61MS. Approximately $4,000 award. Faculty recommendation required.

George Richason, Jr. Scholarship for Distinguished Undergraduate TA (In Honor of Earl J. McWhorter and George R. Richason, Jr.) – Honors the late professor and alumnus, and is awarded for excellence in teaching as recognized by students and faculty. Nominated by students.

Edward Shapiro Fund - Scholarships based on need and scholarship to a son or daughter of a New England Nuclear employee, son or daughter of a Massachusetts subsidiary of Dupont, or, if no candidates from these two categories, a chemistry major at any of the UMass campuses. Awarded to students who are matriculated at UMass, chemistry majors, and in the freshman to junior classes. Awards are 2-5 awards of $600 each.

Thomas R. "Casey" Stengle Scholarship - Awarded to one rising junior in the Chemistry Department who demonstrates financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. The donor has a strong interest in supporting women in science and first-generation college students. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. $2,000 award.

Tarselli Family Research Award – Awarded to 2-3 rising junior chemistry majors with future interests in biotech and/or pharmaceutical fields. Made possible by the generous gift of a chemistry alum for summer research. If interested, a Faculty recommendation required. Only second semester sophomores (i.e. rising Juniors) may apply. Average award: $500+ each

Mr. Tompkins Award – Awarded to two chemistry majors who have shown devotion to the discipline by success in the research lab. $150 prize. If interested, a Faculty member recommendation and AcademicWorks application are required. Robert Maxwell Williams Memorial Scholarship – This award was established in memory of Dr. Robert Maxwell Williams, who taught organic chemistry for students not majoring in chemistry. The scholarship recognizes accomplishments of three sophomores ($200 each) in the non-majors organic chemistry courses. Faculty nomination required.

Oliver Zajicek Memorial Scholarship Award – Honors the late faculty member and is awarded to a chemistry major who has demonstrated excellence in research in analytical chemistry. Awardee selected by the Analytical Division Faculty. Approximately $400 award. Faculty nomination required.