by Wesley J. Dunham, iCons Strategic Communications and Program Manager
The UMass Amherst Integrated Concentration in STEM Program (iCons) is an academic certificate program for undergraduates whose mission is to inspire a diverse generation of innovators in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business with the attitudes and skills needed to solve the problems facing our world. Building on the disciplinary strength of each student’s major, iCons projects at all levels involve collaborative student teams working on cross-disciplinary communication and integrative problem-solving skills.
This past fall we launched the fourteenth cohort of the iCons Program after receiving a record number of applicants (271 for 72 spots) for the third year in a row. Two-thirds of the students in our 14th cohort identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and 63% identify as non-male. This year’s first case study has focused on Urban Climate Change, a complex challenge requiring expertise from various academic disciplines, including but not limited to environmental sciences, urban planning, architecture, engineering, public health, economics, and policy.
We are pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Sasha Adkins as the 2023-2024 iCons Teaching Fellow. The award provides funding for faculty to join the iCons teaching team while receiving professional development funds. Adkins brings a much-needed perspective to iCons that blends expertise in both environmental and health fields. Not only will Adkins add a unique perspective to the iCons Program, but they will also benefit from professional development and training in student-driven instructional methods.

In Fall 2023, the iCons Program was recruited by the US Census Bureau to produce a digital solution to the problem of inequity in access to electricity after big storms. In response to this challenge, chemistry professor Scott Auerbach and a team of six iCons students from computer science, mathematics, and computer engineering majors developed a new website called ASSERT = “AI Supported Smart Electricity Restoration Tool,” which maps U.S. counties predicted to have very long power outages based on socio-economic data. The student team presented their work at the Justice Week 2023 conference in Washington, DC, in early November. The iCons student presenters were invited along with eight other universities to present at the conference, themed “Equity Empowered.” The five-day event was aimed at advancing equity and environmental justice in the clean energy transition and ensuring that climate change investments benefit the communities that are often left behind.
In October 2023 current and aspiring students in the iCons Program teamed-up to present innovative solutions addressing the issue of unsustainable chocolate production in Colombia during the annual iCons “Idea Slam.” This initiative was led by Dr. Marianny Yajaira Combariza ’03 PhD and Dr. Cristian Blanco-Tirado ’03 PhD, professors at Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia, who are also UMass Amherst Chemistry graduate alumni. Students gained insights into the current nature of chocolate agriculture and production in Colombia. Every student group prepared a one-minute pitch presenting their solution, providing a unique perspective on this complex issue. Noteworthy suggestions included leveraging anaerobic digesters to generate energy from the excess cacao biomass, creating a skincare product that utilizes the wet biomass content, and adopting a multi-crop format where cacao biomass serves as fertilizer for other crops. The diversity and creativity of team-generated ideas were remarkable and in line with the iCons approach.
In May 2023, the iCons Program proudly concluded its 10th Annual Senior Exposition, showcasing its remarkable success in promoting women in STEM and fostering their success as innovators. The event marked another milestone in the program's dedication to empowering underrepresented voices in science, technology, engineering, and math. With an unwavering commitment to breaking barriers, the iCons Program celebrated the gender composition of the 10th graduating class: of the 40 iCons grads, 35 (88%) identify as female, gender diverse, or non-binary, highlighting the program's success in creating an inclusive environment that encourages and supports women pursuing STEM careers. Also for the first time, the iCons Program celebrated not one but two 21st Century Leaders among its senior class – Audrey Gabriel (Microbiology and Public Health) and Kathryne Lovell (Civil & Environmental Engineering). We wish the 10th cohort of iCons alumni all good things going forward!
We thank all our supporters and sponsors, including the Mahoney Family, the Chleck Family Foundation, Dr. Edward Marram ’59 and Dr. Karen Carpenter, Impact Nano, Lumanity Medical Affairs and Dr. Peg Crowley-Nowick, the Western Mass Economic Development Council, Waters Corporation, iCAN (the iCons Alumni Network), and all our benefactors and supporters.
We hope you will visit the iCons website,, to keep up to date with our news and events and to check out student research projects on the Innovation Portal. We wish you all to stay safe, happy, and healthy.
- Head's Message
- Cover Stories
- Faculty Highlights
- Graduate Student Awards
- Lab Notes
- Faculty: Promotions, New Faces, and Departures
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Emeritus News
- Seminar
- ResearchFest
- PhD Defenses
- UMass ACS Club
- Undergraduate Awards
- Undergraduate Poster Session
- iCons
- Undergraduate Commencement
- Staff News
- Alumni
- In Memoriam
- Friends of Chemistry
- Editors, Contacts, and Credits