Student Resources
Student Resources Seth LandmanAcademic Deans (Academic Advising), College of Natural Sciences
220 Morrill II, 545-1969
CNS Assistant Dean, CNS Advising: Brenda Barlow
CNS Assistant Academic Dean, CNS Advising: Leo Hwang
Career Services
Job fairs, career assessments, graduate school, internships, jobs, and resume/cover letter assistance.
Center for Counseling and Psychological Health
Interdisciplinary counseling service, staffed by licensed mental health providers, including social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and clinical nurse specialists.
Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS)
A student-centered learning agency within the division of Advocacy, Equity and Inclusion in Student Affairs and Campus Life.
Center for Student LifeāGet Involved
Student Activities and Involvement (SAI) cultivates student learning by providing opportunities for leadership, recreation, connection and engagement in and beyond UMass.
Center for Women and Community
24-hour rape and other Crisis Hotline: 545-0800
A multicultural campus-based center established in 1972. We offer many services to meet the needs of the diverse cultural and linguistic populations of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Five Colleges and surrounding Hampshire County community.
Continuing and Professional Education
Winter and Summer Session course listings and more.
Dean of Students
Assists students through advocacy program support, advising, and general counseling.
The Dean of Students Office provides students with the support, resources, and referrals they need to succeed at the University.
Services include:
- Serving as a single point of contact within the University for students and their families in time of crisis
- Consultation and referrals for students contemplating withdrawal from, or re-enrollment at, the University
- Implementing and monitoring the University Conduct Process
- Providing short-term loans for students
- Supporting students through the Massachusetts Residency Reclassification process
- Overseeing Off Campus Student Life, the University's HelpLine, and the Student Services Committee
Disability Services
Disability Services at UMass Amherst is committed to full access for all persons at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and embraces the philosophies of diversity and multiculturalism. Direct services are provided for all types of disability. Disability Services also provides information and referral on issues of accessibility, as well as training and staff development to the University community.
Five College Interchange
General Education Courses
International Programs Office
International Student support services; International Exchange Program/ Study Abroad
Learning Resource Center
W.E.B. DuBois Library
10th floor Du Bois Library, 545-5334
Academic support services to all students, including tutoring, study skills, and mentoring.
Libraries (UMass)
Library resources available at UMass Amherst.
Ombuds Office
UMass Amherst students, faculty and staff can talk "off the record" about any campus concern, issue or conflict. The Ombuds staff works with visitors in a variety of ways to help them understand their options and resolve their concerns in an impartial and objective manner.
Pre-Med and Pre-Dental Advisors
Pre-Med/Pre-Health Advising
Stonewall Center
A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Resource Center.
Student Athlete Academic Services
Academic support for students participating in Varsity Intercollegiate Athletics.
Student Legal Services Office
The Student Legal Services Office is committed to protecting the rights and interests of students by providing high-quality counseling, advice, research, education, representation, and referral services for all fee-paying students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, individually and collectively, concerning most legal matters.
University Health Services (UHS)
150 Infirmary Way, 577-5000
Writing Center
Writing Center tutor help writers develop a draft, clarify an argument, reflect on sentence structure, re-organize a text, and build productive writing practices.