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The sequence below is the recommended sequence for a chemistry major enter Fall 2015 and later. Make changes to the sequence only in consultation with an advisor. A BA major has a language requirement.  


+ Required for students entering Fall 2015

++ Required for students entering Fall 2018

* CHEM 475 and CHEM 476 must both be taken, if substituted for CHEM 471.

** Minimum of 9 credits of upper-level courses required to graduate. At least 2 credits must be taken from both groups A and B.  

Students interested in chemical physics are encouraged to take Physics 181, 182 and 287. 

  Fall Spring

CHEM 121—General Chem I

MATH 127 or 131—Calculus I

ENGLWRIT 112—College Writing

BIOL 151—Intro Biol I +

CHEM 196— Ind. Research (optional)

CHEM 122—General Chem II

MATH 128 or 132—Calculus II

PHYS 131 or 151 General Physics I and Lab

GEN ED— Diversity (DU/DG) ++

CHEM 196—Ind. Research (optional)


CHEM 265—Organic Chem I

CHEM 267—Organic Chem I Lab

CHEM 291A—Sophomore Seminar

PHYS 132 or 152—General Physics II and Lab

Chem 296—Ind. Research (optional)

CHEM 266—Organic Chem II

CHEM 268—Organic Chem II Lab

CHEM 315—Quantitative Analysis


CHEM 296—Ind Research (optional)


CHEM 330—Writing in Chemistry

CHEM 341—Inorganic Chem

CHEM 471—Elem. Physical Chem 

or CHEM 475—Physical Chem I*

CHEM 396—Ind. Research (optional)

Upper-level Courses **

CHEM 342—Inorganic Chem Lab

CHEM 476—Physical Chem II*

CHEM 396—Ind. Research (optional)


Upper-level Courses **

CHEM 496—Ind. Research (optional)

Upper-level Courses **

CHEM 496—Ind. Research (optional)

Upper-level Courses

Fall Group Spring Group
CHEM 4xx+—Any 400-level chemistry course or above A CHEM 4xx+—Any 400-level chemistry course or above A
CHEM ENG 290A—Intro to Energy Engineering A/B CHEM ENG 571—Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials A
PHYS 531—Electronics for Scientists I w/Lab A PHYS 553—Optics w/Lab B
GEOLOGY 311—Earth's Materials and their Environments B GEOLOGY 321—Petrology w/Lab B
EDUC 512—Teaching Science in the Middle and High School B GEO SCI 519—Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry B
ENVSCI 515—Microbiology of Soil   EDUC 706—Science Teaching Workshop B
ENVSCI 575—Environmental Chemistry w/Lab B ENVSCI 585—Inorg. Contam. in Soil, Water, and Sediment  
FOOD SCI 542—Food Chemistry 2 B FOOD SCI 541—Food Chemistry I B
FOOD SCI 544—Food Chemistry Lab B FOOD SCI 575—Elements of Food Processing Engineering B
PUBHLTH 420—The DNA Experience B FOOD SCI 741—Lipid Chemistry B
    HIS 397ST—Sci., Tech., and War in 20th cent. US/Eur.  B
    PSE 501— Intro to Polymer Science A
BIOCHEM 423—General Biochemistry I*   A BIOCHEM 424—General Biochemistry II* A
BIOCHEM 376—Intro Biochemistry Lab B BIOCHEM 376—Intro Biochemistry Lab B

If double majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:

BIOCHEM 426—General Biochemistry Lab