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The Department of Chemistry was founded in 1868 by Charles A. Goessmann, a student of the great organic chemist, Friedrich Woehler. Over 150 years later, we continue to provide world-class mentoring for our undergraduate and graduate students, offering training across a broad variety of cutting-edge research areas.

As the central science on campus, we have extensive and historic ties to departments such as Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Physics, and Polymer Science & Engineering. Our faculty receives over $10 million annually from federal and industrial grants to support world-class research, and they are regularly honored with prestigious awards. Our department provides students with top-notch role models, mentors, and facilities to enhance training for highly successful careers in academic, industrial, or government sectors.

Widely regarded for its educational teaching innovations, including the ongoing development of computer-aided learning environments, the Department of Chemistry provides the bulk of laboratory-based undergraduate training on campus, teaching thousands of students in dozens of majors. Mentorship of students engaged in laboratory research is a high priority; all BS majors undertake research. The department is a leader in developing the integrated Concentration in Science (iCons) program to train tomorrow's leaders. Thirteen winners of the University's Distinguished Teaching Award—the most on campus—are from the chemistry department.