Dr. A. Elizabeth Sloan

Dr. A. Elizabeth Sloan is the President of Sloan Trends, Inc., an Escondido, California based consulting firm that offers trend-tracking and predictions, strategic counsel and business-building ideas for food, supplement and food service/restaurant marketers. She is also the Consumer and Product Trends Columnist for Food Technology magazine and Trends Editor for Flavor & The Menu magazine.
Dr. Sloan was formerly Editor-in-Chief of McCall's magazine; Director of the Good Housekeeping Institute - where she managed the review of consumer products for the Good Housekeeping Seal - and served as Asst. Editor-in-Chief of Good Housekeeping magazine; SVP and International Director of Food and Nutrition for Hill and Knowlton Public Relations; the first scientific director of the Am. Assoc. of Cereal Chemists and Director of Nutrition Communications and Technical Services for General Mills.
Dr. Sloan has written more than 200 articles, co-authored two college text books on nutrition and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including The Today Show, Good Morning America and CBS and NBC newscasts.
Dr. Sloan holds a Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition with a minor in Mass Communications from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelors degree in Food Technology from Rutgers University.