W.T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Reducing Inequality
W.T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Improving the use of Research Evidence
Foundation Relations
Funding Opportunities - Limited Submission Calendar
Proposal Writing – Basic Components
Guidelines for writing a Letter of Intent
Foundation Directory Online (via W.E.B. DuBois Library)
Research & Engagement
Office of Research Development (RD)
For early-stage proposal development support, particularly with federal funders, this staff has expertise in a range of fields and offer workshops.
Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS)
The Office of Pre-Award Services (OPAS) reviews and submits all proposals to funding agencies for externally sponsored programs in research, instruction, and other public service programs.
The Office of Research Compliance helps ensure that research is conducted in accordance with the complex regulatory environment.
Office of the Provost
Center for Teaching & Faculty Development (CTFD)
CTFD offers a number of funding opportunities to support the teaching and professional development of faculty members at UMass Amherst, including team-based and individual grants.
Foundation Center
Established in 1956, the Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. The Foundation Center provides access to valuable information, tools, and resources to grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media and the general public. CFR has a professional subscription to their database. Free resources are also available online:
Proposal Writing - free & fee based training courses.
Foundation Directory Online - Locate grantmakers in your field, search the database to learn what’s getting funded, and connect to helpful resources.
Foundation Center Free Newsletters - Funding watches, RFPs, notices of awards, and more, available as a free service for grant seekers and grant makers.