The pages below contain tips and suggestions that will help you. We recommend reading them when you first start to think about writing a proposal.
What are private foundations looking for in a proposal?
Each foundation has a different mission and supports projects that will help them looks for different things and chances are each foundation has their own application. However, if a foundation does not set specific requirements, here is a list of points to focus on.
Guidelines for a Letter Of Intent (LOI)
Basic guidelines and tips for writing an LOI.
Basic components of a proposal
Proposals should have these basic elements, unless the funder specifies otherwise. The Social Science Research Council has written an exemplary guide on creating a compelling narrative within your proposal. To access the PDF, click here.
How to Fail in Grant Writing
Excellent article by accomplished UMass PIs about proven, proposal, writing techniques. By Elizabeth Jakob, Adam Porter, Jeffrey Podos, Barry Braun, Norman Johnson, and Stephen Vessey from the Chronicle of Higher Education, 12/5/10
Approvals and budgeting
Important information about gaining departmental support and information on budgeting.
Strengthen your research plan - Dos and Don'ts
An NIH article on how to simplify and strengthen your research plan.
Explaining your science—tips for clear communication
An NIH article on using "plain language" to talk and write about research in a clear, uncomplicated way.