Homework House

Mentoring and tutoring students in Holyoke

Homework House promotes educational success through free, individualized tutoring and mentoring for children growing up in Holyoke’s most economically challenged neighborhoods.  They foster a culture of success for children in a safe, nurturing environment that builds on their inherent strengths and resilience.  They respect and engage children’s families, value education as a potent force that can lift people out of poverty, and create a diverse community of adults and children who work together to help each child realize the fullness of their potential.

ENGAGEMENT DETAILS:   Volunteers are needed on Monday-Friday from 3:30-5:30 pm to assist students enrolled in grades 2-7 with homework completion and improvement of reading/math skills.  An important focus is developing fun and rewarding relationships.  Volunteers attend training and orientation and commit to 1-2 afternoons per week over a minimum of 3 months.  Homework House has two locations in Holyoke:  54 North Summer Street and 340 Chestnut Street.


Ashley Berthiaume, Volunteer Coordinator


54 North Summer Street, Holyoke, MA 01040