Mentoring and tutoring students in Holyoke
Homework House promotes educational success through free, individualized tutoring and mentoring for children growing up in Holyoke’s most economically challenged neighborhoods. They foster a culture of success for children in a safe, nurturing environment that builds on their inherent strengths and resilience. They respect and engage children’s families, value education as a potent force that can lift people out of poverty, and create a diverse community of adults and children who work together to help each child realize the fullness of their potential.
ENGAGEMENT DETAILS: Volunteers are needed on Monday-Friday from 3:30-5:30 pm to assist students enrolled in grades 2-7 with homework completion and improvement of reading/math skills. An important focus is developing fun and rewarding relationships. Volunteers attend training and orientation and commit to 1-2 afternoons per week over a minimum of 3 months. Homework House has two locations in Holyoke: 54 North Summer Street and 340 Chestnut Street.