CBD Membership Benefits

IALS Translational Graduate Student Assistantship

Fall 2024-Summer 2025

  • Auden Balouch-Biomedical Engineering (Donahue lab)
  • Yagiz Anil Cicek-Chemistry (Rotello lab)
  • Jingyi Qiu-Chemistry (Thayumanavan lab)

Spring 2024-Fall 2024

  • Maharshi Debnath -Chemical Engineering (Kulkarni lab)
  • Sparsh Makhaik-Chemistry (Hardy lab)

Learn more  

BioRender Premium-Free Access for CBD Affliliated Labs

All Center for Bioactive Delivery affiliated labs have free access to BioRender Premium, thanks to the support derived from IALS-tagged grants to the center and the support of the CBD Steering Committee. This is a great resource to help create graphics, enhance visual communications, stand out from others, and improve figures for grants/manuscripts.

For more information and to register:

This is for CBD faculty, the non-undergraduate members of their labs (post docs, grad students, permanent staff, etc.) and the Core Facilities directors, to assist in making helpful graphics for faculty. Please reach out to ialscenters@umass.edu if you have any questions. For IT support with BioRender, please email support@biorender.com.

Research Funding Opportunities for IALS Faculty

IALS Midigrants

The IALS midigrant is designed to be a flexible seed fund mechanism up to $20,000 to enable new translational research and explore new collaborations within IALS. All active faculty members of IALS may apply for funds. 

Mission of the Institute for Applied Life Sciences

The mission of IALS is to translate fundamental research into innovative product candidates, technologies, and services that deliver benefits to human health and well-being. 

What is Translation?

Translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public — from diagnostics and therapeutics to medical procedures and behavioral changes.

To apply, please visit: https://www.umass.edu/ials/funding-benefits


Translational Seed Awards

The Translational Seed Awards provide seed funding up to $100,000 per award. These awards are designed to help advance UMass Amherst translational and applied R&D through the development of startup companies or the out-licensing of UMass IP.

Significant funding for this program comes from a gift from the Manning Family Foundation, the U.S NSF Accelerating Research Translation Program, and from the IALS Seed fund program. Additional contributions come from the College of Natural Sciences, the Berthiaume Center, the Isenberg School of Management, and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.

To apply, please visit: umass.edu/ials/funding-benefits

Core Facilities Benefits

Core Facilities Funding Opportunities

IALS Research Centers (CBD, CPHM, M2M) have generously offered to contribute incentive funds to stimulate novel uses of the Core Facilities as well as subsidize training for student users.

All active faculty members of IALS and Core Facility Directors can initiate a request for funds. 

  • Small equipment (including new instruments or enhancements to existing instruments)
  • Materials/operational costs for validation of new service lines, or expansion of existing service lines to users new to a technique 
  • Consultation fees (including engaging external partners)

To access student training funds, please consult with the Core Facility that would be providing training. 

Once you have been in contact with the Core Director to confirm costs and availability, request for funds can be completed by filling out this form.bit.ly/coreFundingOpps



Click here to sign up to be an IALS faculty member.