Tennis Courts

Tennis PlayerMullins Courts (10 courts located behind the Mullins Center)

Courts 1-6 include 10 and under lines (light green)
Courts 7-10 include pickleball lines (yellow)

Tennis Courts Map  |  Campus Map

  • Reservations not required; first-come, first-served.
  • Courts are for tennis or pickleball only and available first come, first served during recreation hours. Activities/equipment prohibited includes skateboarding, rollerblading, bicycling, hockey, soccer, strollers, scooters.
  • Courts are for use by UMass students, faculty/staff, associates (spouse, domestic partner, dependent) and alumni with valid UCard and current recreation membership.
  • Members are permitted to bring up to two guests; guest passes are available at the daily rate in the Recreation Center.
  • Limit play to one hour if others are waiting.
  • Proper athletic attire and footwear required: non-marking tennis shoes only; prohibited footwear includes cleats, boots, running shoes, non-tennis shoes. Lower and upper body clothing should cover the chest and buttocks.
  • No food or beverage other than water in a non-breakable container.
  • Alcohol, drugs, and/or smoking/nicotine & tobacco products are not permitted.
  • Pets are not permitted on the tennis courts.
  • Music is not permitted on the courts or surrounding area.
  • Recreation & Wellbeing staff will determine if the playing surface is safe before, during and after inclement weather.
  • Tennis courts may not be used for private or commercial purposes, individual and/or team coaching and practices and/or private lessons unless such activity has been approved by Recreation & Wellbeing. Organized activities must be reserved and approved through Recreation & Wellbeing.
  • The University of Massachusetts and Recreation & Wellbeing are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.
  • Members and guests are expected to display appropriate and acceptable conduct while using the tennis courts. Recreation & Wellbeing reserves the right to refuse access or remove any individual(s) whose behavior is inappropriate or in violation of University of Massachusetts rules and regulations.
  • Recreation & Wellbeing reserves the right to make final decisions on policies not specifically posted.