Choose Courses that Match Your Interests
This video walks you through suggested course plans that include recommended biology electives. There are many ways to complete biology major requirements; check in with our advising office to learn more about different pathways through the biology major.
Make a Four-Year Plan
To help plan your biology major, use the links below. There is a suggested four-year plan for completing the major and a version for students planning to study abroad. There is also a blank worksheet that you can use to develop your personalized plan.
Planning worksheet: four-year plan
Planning worksheet: four-year plan including study abroad
Planning worksheet: blank four-year planning form
- Advising
- Major Requirements
- Major Requirements Checklist
- Recommended Course Sequences
- Courses Approved as Major Electives
- Declaring a Biology major
- Course Offerings 2024-25
- Learning Goals
- Integrative Experience
- Minor Requirements
- Departmental Honors
- Study Abroad
- Awards & Scholarships
- Residential Programs
- Fifth-year Master's
- Petitions and Forms
- Majors Week