

B.S., Cornell University, 1954
M.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1958
Ph.D., Uiversity of Wisconsin, Madison, 1963


1971-1972, University of Washington, Seattle

Research Interests

Teaching of Human Genetics

My first interests concerned the structure of human isolates, particularly the Hutterite populations of the plains states in
the United States and Canada. With the explosion in knowledge in human molecular biology, I have been engaged in textbook writing
in genetics, and in helping to improve the writing skills of undergraduate majors.

Representative Publications

Mange, A.P. and E.J. Mange. 1998. Basic Human Genetics, Second Edition. Sinauer Publishing, Sunderland, MA. About 550 pages. [First Edition, 1994. First Prize Award (College Life Sciences category) from Text and Academic Authors Association and First Prize Award (Allied Health category) from the American Medical Writers Association.]

Mange, A.P. and E.J. Mange. 1989. Genetics: Human Aspects, Seond Edition. Sinauer Publishing, Sunderland, MA. 591 pages. [First Edition 1980, Saunders College Publishing]

Crow, J.F. and A.P. Mange. 1982. Measurement of inbreeding from the frequency of marriages between persons of the same surname. Social Biology 29: 101-105.

Mange, A.P. 1969. Wright's coefficient of inbreeding for human pedigrees. In Computer Applications in Genetics, NE Morton, ed. University of Hawaii Press, pp. 72-78.

Mange, A.P. 1964. Growth and inbreeding of a human isolate. Human Biology 36: 104-133.