AMHERST — Nested within a thickly wooded area behind UMass Amherst’s School of Education, a group of college students stand hunched over the soil in a fenced area, looking for bones. ...
Ventura R. Pérez, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Archaeology in the Department of Anthropology at UMass Amherst, talks about his field school and his class that deals with bio-archaeology and forensic anthropology. The field school gives students a chance to apply what they have learned at a mock crime scene and archaeological dig.
AMHERST — If you hike through the woods north of campus, you may just happen upon a fenced-in area tantalizingly marked “Keep out: UMASS AMHERST TAPHONOMY LAB.” A quick search on your smartphone reveals that taphonomy means “the study of decaying organisms over time,” only increasing the mystery. ...
AMHERST — It’s another rainy day in a series of rainy days, yet the students are used to the mud and are focused on the bones that lie before them, not the weather...