BDIC Peer advisors are current BDIC majors who can answer questions about the program and help you figure out whether BDIC is the right choice for you.
Peer Advising Office Hours
in-person at 350 Campus Center Way, University Without Walls or Zoom
Monday: 11am - 5pm
Tuesday: 11am - 2pm
Wednesday: 9am - Noon & 12:30pm - 3:30
Thursday: 1pm - 3pm
Submit an Inquiry Form
Have a question or want a peer advisor to contact you?
How to Apply
Before you can declare BDIC as your major you must apply to, and complete the Proposal Writing class offered each fall and spring semester.
Visit the How to Apply page to find out more about the requirements and application process.
Film Studies
S448 Integrative Learning Center
University of Massachusetts Amherst
650 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
Need assistance?
Email the BDIC Office at @email