Register Now for BCT’s Spring 2019 Continuing Education Courses at UMass’ Mount Ida Campus
Starting with the Spring Semester 2019, BCT will be offering courses at the new Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst in Newton, MA. For this first semester, we provide two courses that target continuing education students and professionals that are interested in furthering their education in sustainable construction and building technology.
The following 3-credit, semester-long courses are available for registration now. Start date for the semester is January 22, 2019.
Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering, and the Construction Process (BCT 597N)
Legal issues arising from design and construction services, with a practical focus on risk management and liability awareness. Topical areas include basic legal doctrines, contract documents, contract administration, liens & bonds, claims, professional liability, human resources, legal evidence & recordkeeping, and dispute resolution. The course will also touch on the special legal challenges presented by technological, scientific, and cultural developments including sustainability, BIM/VDC, mass timber, automation, and climate change.
Instructor: Steven J. O’Neill, Esq.
High Performance Building: Issues and Perspectives (BCT 597Q)
This course examines...