Internships: Residential Design, from Conception to Completion.
Student: John LaBreck
Faculty Sponsor: Peggi Clouston
Project Type: Independent Study
Year: 2005
During my 2005 winter session brake from college I looked to further my education in a somewhat different way. I was looking for hands-on experience in the field of Residential Construction rather than more coursework. I felt strongly that some on-site experience in the field would be a great asset for my resume and for my upcoming career. I have owned a residential design business for the past three years and wanted some more experience within the other areas of the field. Developing the construction drawings was a start but I wanted to tie it all together. Some of the areas I wished to work more closely within included: framing, estimating, on-site and off-site leadership, etc. I was given the opportunity to work for a residential builder that I had just recently done a set of construction drawings for and the project he happened...