As in years past, BCT sent a team of students to participate in the NAHB Student Residential Construction Management Competition, which is a part of the International Builders’ Show (IBS), held in Las Vegas, NV. After a semester of preparation, the students presented their project proposal, which this year landed them a spot in the top 20 (19th place to be exact)! We all congratulate them on a job well done!

BCT also recognizes the supporting efforts of the group’s faculty sponsor, Dr. Ho-Sung Kim, and the local NAHB affiliate group, the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Western Massachusetts, including our alumnus Zach Kushner.

Outstanding Student Award Goes to Leah Cicalis

We are also proud to be able to announce that one member of that team, Leah Cicalis, a senior in the BCT program, was awarded the NAHB Outstanding Student Award 2020. This rewards her efforts in the student group as highlighted by the award description, included below:

“This exciting award recognizes student members of NAHB for their work for the student chapter and/or local HBA. Students are selected on the evaluation of their academic standing, their level of involvement with their student chapter, as well as their interest in pursuing a residential building career.”